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OKWe don’t need to tell you how much time we spend sleeping in our lives and how important it is to have the right bedding. The fact is: Waking up tired, tense, and in pain is a pretty bad way to start the day.
Our cardboard beds, combined with the right mattress, provide you with the best conditions for a restful sleep - without the need for a slatted frame.
Manufacturers of slatted frames often try to impress with a wide range of features to justify high prices, playing on the fear of back pain. But what exactly is the purpose of a slatted frame?
First and foremost, the slatted frame serves to ventilate the mattress. The up to 0.5 liters of fluid we lose in the form of sweat during the night are mostly absorbed by the mattress. Without an open structure, the mattress would start to mold over time. The slatted frame, with its gaps, ensures that moisture can escape from the mattress.
However, slatted frames contribute little to restful sleep. On the contrary, the sleeping properties of the mattress can even be negatively affected by an unsuitable slatted frame. Stiftung Warentest reviewed 10 slatted frames from various price ranges and tested them together with a simple chipboard and a homemade rigid slatted frame (issue 09|2022). Four different mattresses were used in the test. The support properties of the various combinations of mattress and slatted frame were specifically examined.
The conclusion:
"No foundation does more than a chipboard. Some even worsen the sleeping properties of mattresses, especially for back sleepers. If you don’t need an adjustable head or foot section, you should choose a simple, as rigid as possible frame [...]"
The ROOM IN A BOX beds made of corrugated cardboard work without a slatted frame.
Both our beds - the Bed 2.0 and the GRID Bed - don’t require an additional slatted frame. They function like a bed frame with an integrated rigid slatted frame, ensuring it doesn’t negatively affect the sleeping properties of your mattress. The diamond-shaped construction with side slots of the bed 2.0 and the slats of the GRID Bed ensure proper air circulation. This way, the cardboard beds fulfill the original purpose of a slatted frame without adding extra cost to your wallet.
Our beds, combined with a mattress tailored to your needs (e.g. our natural latex mattress), are a sustainable and complete alternative to traditional sleeping solutions.